“FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz acts for clients including Ferratum, Orange Polska and Poczta Polska. Practice head Mariusz Aleksandrowicz advised Viking Malt on the tax aspects of its acquisition of Danish Malting Group from Carlsberg.” – Legal500 2017

“Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the tax practice at FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz. He has a long-established track record in assisting with tax matters relating to transactions.” – Chambers Europe 2017

“Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the tax practice at FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz. He is a highly recognisable figure in the market, with sources highlighting his long track record. Tax litigation is a particular strength.”

“FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz advised Bank Ochrony Środowiska on tax issues pertaining to bond programme documentation. The firm handles day-to-day matters for PKN Orlen and is also acting for the client in litigation. Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the practice.”

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz of FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz maintains his reputation as one of the best tax lawyers in Poland."You can be sure that his advice covers all the issues," remarks one impressed interviewee.

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz is particularly recommended for litigation and stands out for his vast knowledge and understandable explanations.

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz of FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz is ‘a top-class specialist who takes a comprehensive approach’. He is recommended in band 1.

Posiada dwudziestoletnie doświadczenie w zakresie opodatkowania dotyczącego fuzji i przejęć, rynków kapitałowych, finansowania projektów inwestycyjnych, restrukturyzacji, ubezpieczeń, nieruchomości i leasingu. Doradza na rzecz klientów krajowych i zagranicznych. Reprezentuje klientów w postępowaniach przed władzami skarbowymi, Wojewódzkimi Sadami Administracyjnymi, Naczelnym Sądem Administracyjnym, Sądem Najwyższym. Przygotowywał projekty rozmaitych aktów normatywnych na zlecenie Ministerstwa Finansów i Narodowego Banku Polskiego. Jest prawnikiem rokrocznie rekomendowanym w zakresie prawa podatkowego przez prestiżowe, międzynarodowe rankingi: Legal 500 EMEA, Tax Directors Handbook (Tax Legal 500), Chambers Global i Chambers Europe. Współautor książek o tematyce podatkowej, „Model Konwencji OECD. Komentarz pod redakcją Bogumiła Brzezińskiego” (Wiedza i Praktyka, 2010), "Orzecznictwo Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej w sprawach podatkowych. Komentarz" (Wolters Kluwer, 2014).

“FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz acts for clients including Ferratum, Orange Polska and Poczta Polska. Practice head Mariusz Aleksandrowicz advised Viking Malt on the tax aspects of its acquisition of Danish Malting Group from Carlsberg.” – Legal500 2017

“Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the tax practice at FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz. He has a long-established track record in assisting with tax matters relating to transactions.” – Chambers Europe 2017

“Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the tax practice at FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz. He is a highly recognisable figure in the market, with sources highlighting his long track record. Tax litigation is a particular strength.”

“FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz advised Bank Ochrony Środowiska on tax issues pertaining to bond programme documentation. The firm handles day-to-day matters for PKN Orlen and is also acting for the client in litigation. Mariusz Aleksandrowicz heads the practice.”

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz of FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz maintains his reputation as one of the best tax lawyers in Poland."You can be sure that his advice covers all the issues," remarks one impressed interviewee.

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz is particularly recommended for litigation and stands out for his vast knowledge and understandable explanations.

Mariusz Aleksandrowicz of FKA Furtek Komosa Aleksandrowicz is ‘a top-class specialist who takes a comprehensive approach’. He is recommended in band 1.